About Us
Skill Competencies
The pathway aims at developing students for the new-collar jobs that ICT and creative media industries in Hong Kong will require. An important feature of the study pathway is that the participating industry partners will support the learning of senior-form secondary students throughout the entire journey, by offering mentorships, internships and other experiences.
CLAP-TECH Pathway is a school-based learning pathway within the mainstream for students who are looking for non-conventional mode of learning to prepare their academic and career readiness.
ICT Industry
Programming Languages
Basic programming and data visualization
Build a simple computer game
IT Project Management
Project management, effective communication, collaboration and leadership
Data Analysis and Database
Spreadsheet, SQL, NoSQL
Data modelling, analysis and visualisation
Application Development (Web and Mobile)
HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React Native, Node.js
Web development, interactive Mobile Application development
Data Communications & Networking
Network fundamentals (e.g. LAN, WAN)
Switching and routing technology (e.g. wireless networks, devices and switching services)
Infrastructure services, security and management (e.g. data centres, cloud computing principles and cybersecurity concepts)
Creative Media Industry
Content Creation
Target audience and situation analysis
Generating and communicating ideas
Data Visualisation
Elements of storytelling
Visual communication: basic principles and culture
Digital Production Techniques
Images, video, sound, illustration
Digital photo and video editing
Digital Media Platform Management
Overview of digital media platforms
Ethics, social responsibilities and legal issues
Design Thinking
Developing creativity
Six thinking hats method