Career Mentorship Programme


The CLAP-TECH Pathway equips students with practical skills and workplace experience to address the emerging needs of the future workforce. At the core of this tripartite collaboration is industry participation. With robust support from our industry partners, the Pathway has launched a series of initiatives for students, including career mentorship and internship programmes, inter-school competitions, company visits, workshops, and guest lectures.

By engaging directly with industry professionals, the career mentorship programme aims to provide students with the opportunity to understand authentic workplace situations, entry requirements for their desired industries, and personal career paths and insights from career mentors. These experiences are essential for enhancing their skills and knowledge for both life and career planning. Since its inception, the mentorship programme has inspired and empowered students by providing them with opportunities to explore their future career paths.

If you or your company is interested in becoming our career mentor, please contact us.


Career Mentors


Industry Partners


Student Mentees


Overall Satisfaction of
the Programme by
Career Mentors and Students (out of 5)


“I particularly value the mentorship events offered by the programme. Through meaningful encounters with the career mentors, I have gained a deeper understanding of the IT industry. I feel empowered and inspired to plan for a successful future career.” – Student 
“Interactions between students and career mentors during the mentorship meetings are mutually beneficial. The students’ eagerness to learn and ask questions is encouraging for mentors, many of whom have been working in the industry for a number of years.” – Mentor
“Our mentors have been inspired by the students’ enthusiasm during the project over the past two years. They are impressed by the students’ creativity and passion for learning” – Industry Partner Coordinator