What's New : UBS Holds Career Talk for Secondary Students




UBS Holds Career Talk for Secondary Students

UBS, one of the industry partners of CLAP-TECH, recently held a career-focused session for secondary students, delving into the application of AI in the banking sector.

The event featured representatives from UBS’s Group Operations and Technology Office who shed light on banking app development and AI integration. The informative event concluded with an interactive Q&A and career coaching sessions, providing students with valuable advice and guidance.

For the past four years, UBS has been a steadfast supporter of the CLAP-TECH Pathway, offering students valuable workplace learning experiences. This career talk is an extension of that commitment, serving as an informative platform for secondary students of the Applied Learning Course – Tech Basics, offered by the School of Continuing Education, HKBU, to cultivate their interests and acquire direct knowledge from seasoned professionals.